How to connect FTP using Filezilla

Filezilla is a common FTP client used in Windows environment that will allow you to upload/download files from our server. Please follow the instructions below on how to connect to our FTP server. Unless stated by us, please use port 21 to connect.

For Windows

  1. Download & Install Filezilla client
  2. Open Filezilla Client
  3. Click on File and click on Site Manager

  4. Click on "New Site"

  5. In the General Tab, please key/select in the following information

    Host: your ftp server name
    Encryption: Use explicit FTP over TLS if available
    User: your ftp username

  6. Click on Connect
  7. You will be prompted with the password, key in the password and click Ok
  8. (Optional) if prompt on SSL certificate, verify the certificate and click Ok
