How to reset password for your customer using Plesk reseller account

As a reseller account holder, you may login to your reseller account and reset the login passwords for your customer as well. Below are the steps to do that.

1. Browse to Plesk Panel URL
2. Key in the reseller username and password
3. Click login button
4. On the left-side panel, click into Domain section
5. On the top right-side of the Plesk Panel, key-in the name or domain name into the search box and press ENTER (or click on the magnifying glass)
6. Click on Manage in Customer Panel
7. Click on Web Hosting Access
8. Fill in the new password in both password and confirm password boxes
9. Click OK to update the password
10. Try the username and password on both Plesk Panel URL and by FTP client software

Follow the steps below if you have created extra FTP user account
1. Click on FTP Access
2. Click FTP User account you wish to change button
3. Fill in the new password in both password and confirm password boxes
4. Click OK to update the new password
