How to login to Cloud Portal

Cloud Portal is where you manage your cloud services with us. You can login to Cloud Portal by using the same credential as the one used to login to our billing system. 

How to login to Cloud Portal

  1. Using your preferred internet browser, login to our Cloud Portal at
  2. Under "Or sign in with", click on either SecureAX (Malaysia) Billing System or SecureAX (Singapore) Billing System, depending on the country you signed up for SecureAX Business Email Hosting. You can refer to our invoice to confirm this option:-
    i) SecureAX Sdn Bhd would mean SecureAX (Malaysia) Billing System while
    ii) SecureAX Pte Ltd means SecureAX (Singapore) Billing System.


  3. You may now enter your login credential (refer to our Welcome Mail) and click Login. If you have forgotten your password, click on "Forgot Password?" and then enter your email address used during the sign-up process to reset & recover the password. 


  4. You will be greeted by our Cloud Portal once you successfully login

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